About Evoleen.

Our Mission

At Evoleen, we are at the forefront of collaborating with leading healthcare enterprises and start-ups. We not only work hand-in-hand with our partners but also build our own ventures to scale disruptive digital health solutions, smart medical devices, and cutting-edge service offerings. Innovation is what drives us. 

By advancing clinical evidence and effectively scaling joint ventures, we make a lasting impact on the healthcare landscape. What sets us apart is our unique commitment to co-investment, technology and clinical excellence. We share both risk and reward with our partners, aligning our core beliefs to drive mutual success.

Our offering goes beyond our own ventures. We offer our knowledge, services, and technologies to any interested digital health start-up

Our ultimate mission is to solve significant healthcare problems and provide global access to quality care. With dedicated ventures and scalable solutions, we are driving meaningful change in healthcare, one innovation at a time.

At Evoleen, we transform healthcare!

Our History

Delivering outcome-based care and health solutions beyond the pill is hard!

Talents driving digitization are limited and healthcare processes and organizations often struggle with flexible and agile approaches used in digital development. On the other hand, best practices and techniques from other industries often do not perform in healthcare.

The organizational structures of healthcare companies sometimes encounter resistance to the flexible and agile approaches that are needed for digital development and integration.

We founded evoleen in 2018 to tackle these problems, drive innovation and make digital healthcare happen.

Our Talents

Since 2018, the Evoleen ecosystem has been growing year by year. Many talents have joined our company: Strategists with experience in healthcare consulting are part of the Evoleen talent pool, as well as business developers, experienced experts in the commercialisation of medtech and digital health solutions, hardware and software developers, machine learning and data specialists, quality and regulatory experts.

Get to know some of our talents:

Behind the scenes at Evoleen

Docjo and Evoleen are joining forces to advance digital solutions for the most widespread chronic diseases

Exciting news: docjo.health at Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area proudly announced the onboarding of Evoleen, one of the leading #Swiss healthcare start-up builders and digital health experts, as co-founder. Together, we will make a positive impact in digital health! Read more in the press release

von Rundstedt breakfast networking event in Basel

Managing the professional change from a big corporate to the start-up world.

A big thank you to von Rundstedt, Amélie Leger and Jean-Luc Niedergang for organizing this networking event and for having Evoleen on stage. 🙏

Thank you to the international audience from pharma, diagnostics and medical technology for their active participation.

Looking forward to driving more customer solutions in healthcare. Small & big together make a difference.

Investors meet start-ups: Joint event with renowned bank Rothschild

During a joint event of renowned Bank Rothschild & Co and Digital Health Venture Builder Evoleen more than 60 participants received unique insights into how chronic diseases can be better treated today and healthy aging can be optimally supported.

CEO Chris Gugl receives Digital Shapers Award 2023

The Evoleen team was thrilled to see that our CEO, Chris Gugl, and Evoleen have been honoured with the Digital Shapers Award 2023. This serves as a great birthday present as Evoleen commemorates its 5th anniversary in September 2023. The award further motivates our team to persist in our mission of making digital healthcare happen... together with our corporate partners from Pharma, MedTech, Diagnostics, Health Insurances, NGO’s, start-ups, university hospitals and many health care professionals.

Evoleen guide for start-ups and intrapreneurs launched during event
On September 7 a limited edition of our book was  launched during a joint investor - start-up meet up organized between Bank Rothschild and Evoleen.
In our Evoleen guide for entrepreneurs, corporate venture building and intrapreneurs we share our approaches, methods, case studies and strategies on how we build and scale start-ups.
In a couple of weeks the book will be available in German and can be purchased online at Amazon and many other stores.

5 years of Evoleen
Birthday party at the Zurich zoo

5 years of Evoleen - 5 questions
to Co-founder and Chairman Jean-Daniel

1. Five years ago, in 2018, the foundation of Evoleen took place, and since then, it has experienced remarkable growth. Back then, what were your personal motivations behind founding Evoleen?

The main motivation for me was to improve people’s health with the help of the new opportunities offered by digitalization. This continues to be Evoleen’s North Star: to make a sustainable contribution to improving the health of humanity.

2. Five years after: What makes Evoleen special from your point of view?

I think the two main points that make Evoleen unique are:
1. The experienced employees, who all want to make a difference in the healthcare sector and do so with a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
2. The unique eco-system that sets Evoleen apart. Evoleen can not only offer venture-building but also product development, regulatory/quality, training and financing. In addition, the interplay of our large network of partners such as companies, start-ups, non-governmental organizations, health experts and insurance companies is of great value.

3. Reflecting on the past years, what accomplishments are you particularly          proud of?

I am particularly proud that we have succeeded in communicating our vision to customers, employees and investors in such a way that they are also enthusiastic about Evoleen’s business idea.

4. In your role you are also responsible for HR and Talent Management. You have been successful in hiring great talents from all over the world.
How do you attract them in a competing environment?

It is clearly the opportunity to make a difference in healthcare, e.g. to be able to help children with rare diseases or adults with difficult diagnoses. Since we are still a start-up ourselves and can’t pay exorbitant salaries, it certainly helps that more and more people find it more important to do something meaningful than to pant after money. Also, we are able to attract talents from different parts of the world because the Evoleen business concept of having real skin in the game in customer projects and our fast and pragmatic way of working seem to be convincing. They are highly motivated to drive innovation together with big corporations – our partners – in an agile environment.

5. Apart from Evoleen, what other passions drive you?

I love to travel and learn about other cultures. In addition, I used to deal with photography and would like to cultivate this hobby again.

5 years of Evoleen - 5 questions
to Co-founder and CEO Chris

1. Five years ago, in 2018, the foundation of Evoleen took place, and since then, it has experienced remarkable growth. Back then, what were your main motivations behind founding Evoleen?

My ultimate pursuit was to passionately build multiple companies with my closest friends, while making a significant impact on people’s health and well-being.

2. What is Evoleen’s current mission, what sets it apart as unique?

Evoleen leads in collaborating with healthcare enterprises and start-ups, scaling innovative digital health solutions. We share risks and returns, driving success together. Our mission is to solve significant healthcare problems and drive meaningful change based on solid clinical evidence. Our ecosystem offers a vast variety of different aspects regarding digital health such as market access and distribution, technology and product development, big data collection and processing, venture capital, entrepreneurship campus, portfolio start-ups as well as a proprietary pipeline. At Evoleen, we make digital healthcare happen.

3. Reflecting on the past years, what accomplishments are you particularly proud of?

Creating more than 100 jobs, contributing to the solution of more than 10 big healthcare problems and being able to provide a solid return for our partners and investors.

4. Who should contact [email protected] sooner rather than later?

Physicians, nurses, patients, healthcare start-ups, enterprises, and health insurances embracing the potential of digital health for their business, health challenges, or ideas to tackle healthcare costs, access to care, managing chronic diseases or contributing to healthy aging.

5. Apart from Evoleen, what other passions drive you?

Spending quality time with family and friends, working out with my wife, enjoying delicious meals, cooking, gardening, writing books, travelling, and teaching.

“My ultimate pursuit back in 2018 was to passionately build multiple companies with my closest friends, while making a significant impact on people's health and well-being.”

Chris Gugl, CEO

“My ultimate pursuit back in 2018 was to passionately build multiple companies with my closest friends, while making a significant impact on people's health and well-being.”

Chris Gugl

Chris Gugl, CEO & Co-Founder
